Contact us
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Contact by phone
General information
(707) 463-4660
Mendocino County Superior Court
(707) 463-4660

Available services

Easy access to your cases!
  • Search for infraction, misdemeanor or felony cases
  • Make payments in full on your cases by credit or debit card
  • Make payments on cases in which you have agreed to a payment plan
  • Request an extension of time to pay or appear
  • Provide proof of correction for:
    • driver's license
    • auto registration
    • auto insurance
    • mechanical violations (taillights, headlights, missing mirrors, etc.)
    • other (e.g. fishing license, etc.)
Easy access to your cases!
  • Search for infraction, misdemeanor or felony cases
  • Make payments in full on your cases by credit or debit card
  • Make payments on cases in which you have agreed to a payment plan
  • Request an extension of time to pay or appear
  • Provide proof of correction for:
    • driver's license
    • auto registration
    • auto insurance
    • mechanical violations (taillights, headlights, missing mirrors, etc.)
    • other (e.g. fishing license, etc.)